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Orthodox Shuls of Jacksonville

Our surprisingly wide range of shuls offer constant learning opportunities for children and adults at all different levels, and the community prides itself on providing a warm, inclusive Shabbat and Yom Tov experience. 

Both Etz Chaim and Chabad house mikvaot.

Programs in Jacksonville:


Jews from all walks of life are warmly welcomed at our Kollel to explore their Judaism in a laid back and comfortable environment. Regardless of background or affiliation, this is the place to take the next step in your Jewish journey. Our Kollel provides community-wide lectures, daily sedarim as well as one on one learning opportunities.

Etz Chaim

Etz Chaim Synagogue is under the Orthodox Union. There are multiple daily minyanim plus a Sephardic Shabbos minyan. Etz has adult education classes, youth groups, an active sisterhood, parent-child learning programs, Shabbatons, and more!


Every week at Chabad on Shabbos there is a lunch kiddush after prayers, and once a month on Shabbos Mevarchim there is also a friday night meal. Each week there is also a kids prgram on Shabbos. All Jews are welcome to join! There are farbrengens for Chassidisher Yomim Tovim, holiday events, and mishmar learning on Thursday nights. Follow them on Instagram for more!

Some snippets from the Kollel!

Some events at Chabad:

Some snapshots from Etz Chaim:

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